Week Note — 14th June 2019

James Charlton
3 min readJun 14, 2019

So week 2 in my new role with as a Community Support Manager is coming to a close so a quick week note from me.

What have I been doing?

Learning! I have learnt the basics and when I say basic I mean basic…

image of 3 signs saying back to basics

I have given up my reluctance to use and return to twitter and be a tweeter. I have found though this time I am not just one of the masses having a moan about this and that. It is now a networking and learning tool. I see it in a whole different light before it was having little meaning conversations around sport or around a hobby.

I have made (When I say made I mean I went out there and sparked them off) and had some brilliant conversations. Many of the people way beyond my intelligence level. I respect this and also at the same time feel this is not a bad thing. They are fascinating people who I respect so much. They are on the same page as me that is building something for the greater good of learning and doing things better.

At the same time I have found that many people although they have a title of “Data Scientist” they are not in a community for X or Y reason. This I want to try and change. I want to make sure all voices can be heard and there is appropriate levels of Diversity and Inclusion.

Image saying Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.

Contact has also been established with some amazing people in industry who are willing to come and support and assist where ever they can which is immense.

What am I still getting used too?

  • Not asking permission to do things
  • Working with likeminded people
  • Not being questioned on why I am doing something
  • Needing to feedback and update seniors when I am doing something that is going to take a while to get used too
  • Slack being approved as a tool to use
  • Collaborating with colleagues and not having to fight to get their time
  • The level of support and interest there is to help others to win the hardest battles and solve the biggest issues.
  • Waiting to be asked to go to a meeting or being invited as it was described to me turn up and look like you know why you are there.
  • Trying hard to not come across as needy but willing to learn and keen to get the job done — The old thing of rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck in.
  • Stopping overthinking the little things and just getting on until told otherwise

What is the plan for the next few weeks…

More planning of events alongside location identifying, planning work with the other community leaders on forward directions, getting out and meeting the community.

Image shows sign saying the future next exit with an arrow pointing the direction as right



James Charlton

Father, Civil Servant, Model Kit Geek, Beer Fan, Arctic Monkeys and Radio X Fan, Dyslexic